日本物理学会九州支部                九州大学大学院

  特別講演会                  理学研究院物理学部門



講師: Prof. Dr. Hilbert v. Löhneysen

           (Physikalisches Institut, Universtät Karlsruhe, Germany)

演題: Magnetic quantum phase transitions in metals

日時: 平成16年11月11日(木)午前10:30より

場所: 九州大学理学部小会議室(R1134室)


   In a number of systems, long range magnetic order can be tuned to zero temperature by external parameter such as pressure or chemical composition. At such a quantum phase transition (QPT), the quantum energy of critical fluctuations becomes a relevant energy compared to the thermal energy, leading to novel quantum critical behavior [1]. While QPT's are of interest in their own right, the fact that temperature is the only relevant energy scale gives access to low energy scales otherwise marked by the magnetic order, with the prospect of new physics. We will discuss two examples of possible new phases near a QPT: (i) Highly anisotropic magnetic fluctuations in CeCu6-xAux observed by inelastic neutron scattering arise when approaching the QPT occuring at x = 0.1, despite the fact that long-range incommensurate order for x ³ 0.15 is threedimensional. These fluctuations extend over a larger concentration range 0 £ x £ 0.2 on either side of the QPT [2]. (ii) MnSi is a particularly clean system where the QPT can be tuned by hydrostatic pressure. The long-wavelength spiral structure (wavelength 180 Å) retains its periodicity when approaching the QPT but loses its orientation, as observed via neutron scattering under pressure [3]. This “partial melting” is reminiscent of orientational order in liquid crystals and presents a truly novel magnetic phase. How this partial order is related to the non-Fermi-liquid behavior observed in electronic transport over an extended pressure and field range [4] has yet to be established.

[1] H. v. Löhneysen, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 200, 532 (1999), [2] O. Stockert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5627 (1998); H. v. Löhneysen, Acta Phys. Pol. B 34, 707 (2003)., [3] C. Pfleiderer et al., Nature 427, 227 (2004)., [4] C. Pfleiderer et al, Nature 414, 427 (2001).


             主催 :日本物理学会九州支部


              連絡先:九大理・物理 巨海 玄道

               Tel,Fax:092-726-4814, E-mail:oomi@rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
