
Prof.H.De Raedt
Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Groningen



A brief introduction to the basics of quantum computation is given. We present a generic physical model of quantum computer hardware and compare ideal and physically realizable quantum computers. The physical model is then used to simulate quantum computers hardware on a Quantum Computer Emulator (QCE) . We address the issue of reliable quantum computation on physically realizable hardware using the QCE and Grover's database search algorithmas an example . We shown that in the absence of dissipation non-ideal, physically realizable quantum computers operate in a regime of extreme sensitivity. This high sensitivity reflects itself in problems of programming quantum computers such that they perform correct calculations . The role of dissipation as a stabilizing process will be discussed..

Additional information can be found on http://rugth30 .phys .rug .nl/compphys/quantum.htm

連絡先:網代芳民(九大・理 092-642-2549)

この講演会は日本物理学会九 州支部九州大学大学院理学研究 院物理学部門の共催です。